Friday 7 November 2014


I've always been interested in the human body: the way it works, how it moves, but most importantly the definition and size of the muscle. I've been competitive in sports my whole life. In 2nd grade one of my teachers pulled me to the side and asked if I wanted to participate in track.
As I grew older, I was heavily involved in other sports such as baseball, basketball, and football. My tenacity to have a glorified figure grew tremendously. I always lifted weights with teammates and peers, but after college I didn't have the same group of friends around to go to the gym like I used to. During that time I took that opportunity to focus on myself and work toward competing in a competition.
Earlier this year, I was ready to fully commit and enter a bodybuilding competition. I was ready for results, so I switched my eating habits to cut weight and focused on a workout routine that would help me achieve my competition weight.


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